engineered wood fiber (Tot Lot CHIPS)
Have you ever wanted to build a playground or tot lot for your children at an affordable price?
Our IPEMA Certified Engineered Wood Fiber (Tot Lot Chips) can create the ideal foundation for any play place! Tot Lot Chips are comprised of recently collected North American Hardwood materials such as Oak, Maple, Hickory, Ash, Birch, Poplar, Beech and Locust. There are no additives or chemical treatments present in the materials. The entire wood product is free of soil and other contaminants that promote faster decomposition. Playground Wood chips are random in size, approximately 5 times longer than they are wide. Playground Wood Chips meet the particle size requirements of ASTM 2075, the heavy metal and tramp metal ASTM 2075 requirements, the ASTM 1292 impact attenuation guidelines and the resistance to flammability requirements 1630/1631.
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Spread Playground Tot Lot Chips to a minimum of twelve (12) inches after compaction for fall protection of up to twelve (12) feet in height. Compaction can occur naturally in 2-3 weeks or mechanically upon installation this may require up to 20% more material. Fall zones require greater depth than travel areas.
Conditional Warranty
Playground Tot Lot chips shall have a life expectancy equal to the life of the playground when installed correctly. Playground Tot Lot chips should be installed at a minimum depth of 12 inches (after compaction). Over time, some decomposition will occur (as with all wood chips) and it shall be necessary to replenish the area to maintain the safety of the surface.