JK Enterprise Landscape Supply, LLC
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Fall Fundraisers for School and Community Organizations

September 10, 2013
Home » Blog » Fall Fundraisers for School and Community Organizations

JK Enterprise is proud to be locally owned and rooted deep in Northern Virginia. And we love nothing more than giving back to the community. So allow us to suggest that any organization that relies on fund raising try our new program: selling mulch.

Our mulch is locally sourced, and aged to perfection, resulting in a rich, brown color that is highly sought after. The mulch is carefully produced from clean, high quality hardwoods that are rich in nutrients and slow to decompose. Additionally, the locally sourced materials means that there is less material going into local landfills. Be sure to tell your customers that they are being environmentally conscious!

People from nearly every walk of life can make use of mulch. It’s a great beautifier and practically a necessity for anyone who has a yard, or any business owner with any greenery around their buildings.

The wide appeal of our mulches will enable organizations to maximize their fundraising efforts in the fall season. Since most people already purchase mulch for their homes, why shouldn’t your organization be the one to supply it?

Here are a few of the most frequent questions we get about the program:

How Do We Get Started?

We recommend you pre-sell the mulch in order to generate positive cash flow before the delivery of your first tractor-trailer full of mulch. A full trailer equals about 1,000-1,600 bags of mulch, and we need at least a month’s notice to fill your order.

What Products Can We Sell?

We can supply you with any of our bagged products; however, we do require that you purchase at least one full pallet of any item. We recommend double-shredded mulch, cedar mulch, color-enhanced mulch, potting soil and/or topsoil/compost blend.

How Much Money Can We Raise?

Your group can often net $1.50 per bag, depending on your prices. You can also offer delivery in order to increase your sales. We’ve had organizations raise as much as $20,000 with our program. Don’t forget to canvas local businesses and building managers!

Where Will The Mulch Be Delivered?

You will need access to a parking lot big enough to unload a tractor trailer in, and to accommodate all the customers who will come to pick up their orders, or for your organization to load up mulch for their own deliveries. Some larger groups have rented a flatbed and a forklift to deliver by the pallet and minimize the number of reload trips.

If this sounds like a good fit for your organization, please contact us. We can offer advice and help, and regular communication will help ensure that your orders are filled quickly and your deliveries are timely.