Springtime is busy time for Virginians as we get our yards all fixed up for the year. As we like to say, “spread mulch, not germs!”
Even aside from mulch, homeowners are planting flowers, trees, shrubs, building patios, decks and all kinds of outdoor projects. To help organize your activities and get your plans in place, we’ve put together a digest of information that can help you make your yard beautiful.
Which Trees and Shrubs Grow Best in Northern Virginia?
Studies show that of all homeowners adding plants to their landscaping, a whole 92% are choosing plants that are native to their region. And if you live in Northern Virginia, with its fertile soil, distinct seasons, and perfect balance of sunshine and rain, you have plenty of natural flora to choose from.
Not sure where to start? Grab your landscaping supplies and read on to learn about the best trees, flowers, shrubs and bushes to plant in Gainesville this spring.
Trees: While fall is generally considered the best season to plant trees, spring can be a good time to get started, too. Just keep in mind the importance of watering your new trees regularly as the hot summer months approach. Some great trees to choose would be Japanese Mapless, Crepe Myrtle, or Sweetly Magnolia.
Flowers: Some beautiful flowers that grow great in northern Virginia are Black-eyed Susan, Tickseed.
Shrubs and Bushes: Take a look at Virginia Sweetspire, and Red Twig Dogwood.
Getting Your Landscaping Cleaned Up
As you go through your yard taking inventory and deciding what to change or add, there are a few steps that’ll make things easier. The exterior of your home–and particularly your landscaping and greenery–needs a little extra tender loving care (TLC) this time of year, too. Here are a few tips to prepare your landscaping for the temperate spring months ahead.
Deep edge your garden and plant beds
Look carefully at your plants, trees and shrubs for signs of disease or stress
Clean out weeds, leaves, and debris from your shrubs
Cut deadwood off trees and prune
Get perennials under control
Fertilize, mulch, and apply weed control to your lawn.
Adding Some Interest With Stone
A balanced landscape is composed of lush greenery as well as the harsher appearance of rocks and stones. While we covered major hardscape materials, such as concrete patios and paths made of pavers, in our last blog post, we didn’t dive into the smaller rock varieties that can add a valuable element to your landscaping. Let’s take a look at a few of the many types of landscaping rocks available and how you can use them effectively.
Here are some of the items from lumberjake.com that we can deliver to your home and make a nice impact.
Pea Gravel – As the name implies, these landscaping rocks are small, rounded rocks about the size of a pea. You can find variations in the size of pea gravel, including half of an inch, one-fourth of an inch, and five-eighths of an inch. Pea gravel typically comes in color mixes of tan, brown, and white to complement the other elements of your landscaping. You can find other color varieties of pea gravel, such as rainbow, but these will typically come at a higher cost.
River Rock – River rock is rounded and smooth like pea gravel, but it comes in a wider variety of sizes. You can find river rock ranging from one-quarter of an inch to six inches in diameter. These landscaping rocks are available in a wide variety of colors, from whites and tans to dark and light grays. The range in color, size, and shape of river rock is meant to mimic the rocks you would naturally find by a river or other body of water.
Flagstone – While pea gravel and river rock are primarily used to create natural and aesthetically-pleasing borders and features, flagstone is often used as functional stepping stones. These wide and flat landscaping rocks can create beautiful pathways that wind through a garden or entire patios that come off of the back of your home. Flagstone is available in a range of colors, allowing you to customize it to the overall look of your home and garden.
JK Enterprise has everything you need to make your yard beautiful. For mulch, topsoil, compost, and stone you can order right online.