The old, drafty houses where the air whistled through on windy days had one significant advantage: the air in them was always fresh. Nowadays, ever-tightening insulation standards means that the homes with the best efficiency also need to have a fan circulating fresh...
property value
The Many Virtues of Pea Stone
Professional and DIY landscapers alike find pea stone a valuable material no matter the season. Not only does it look good, but it also is very easy to lay and costs less than its alternatives. Select the colors and textures that you love from a variety of options to...
How to Winterize Your Garden Beds
As autumn progresses, preparing your garden for the winter months becomes essential. Proper winterization ensures that vegetable plots, annuals, and perennials remain healthy and ready to thrive when spring arrives. Harvesting and Clearing Your Garden Beds Gathering...
How To Landscape For Curb Appeal
Having a beautiful house and yard is a wonderful thing — it enriches your daily life in ways that are hard to quantify, but everyone can feel the difference between an unkempt property and a lush and vibrant one. However, there are also practical concerns to having a...
Winter Landscaping Tips and Tricks
Winter presents unique challenges for maintaining and protecting landscapes. The cold weather, frost, and snow can be tough on plants and garden structures. However, with proper preparation and care, your garden can not only survive but also thrive during the winter...
How to Use Landscaping Bricks
Landscaping bricks offer a blend of functionality, durability, and aesthetic appeal that makes them a popular choice for outdoor projects. Here’s why they’re a great addition to your landscape: Durability and Longevity Landscaping bricks are built to withstand the...
How To Use Mulch Around Trees
If you have trees around your yard you may want to consider offsetting them against the grass by mulching around them or putting a bed of flowers around them and then mulching that. Adding mulch to the base of your tree provides both an aesthetic and functional...
Benefits of a Retaining Wall
A retaining wall, like a house, is a utilitarian structure at its base. The practical uses of retaining walls are to prevent erosion, provide flat land for cultivation, and to fight against gravitational force to keep your land stable. Retaining walls can also be used...
The Benefits of Mulch In Every Season
The frigid temperatures of winter send many landscapers inside as their plants and gardens ‘hibernate’ for the winter, however, mulch is a landscaping supply that can be used year-round and in all climates. Mulch in the Winter: Enhancing Aesthetic Appeal and...
When is the Best Time to Mulch?
Mulching is an essential gardening practice that offers numerous benefits, from retaining soil moisture and suppressing weeds to improving soil structure and protecting plant roots. However, the timing of mulching plays a crucial role in maximizing these benefits....
How to Plant Grass
Planting grass can transform your landscape into a lush, green haven. This guide will walk you through each step of the process, from preparing your soil to maintaining your new lawn. Step 1: Prep the Area First, choose the area where you want to plant grass and dig...
How Landscaping Can Impact Home Values
Everyone understands the vital role of curb appeal when it comes to selling property. It's the first impression that catches the eye of prospective buyers and sets your property apart from others in the neighborhood. According to the Appraisal Institute,...