Buy Topsoil and Soil Amendments from JK and Save
JK Enterprise Landscape Supply, LLC produces topsoil and compost all from local materials so that you can be sure your landscaping projects will thrive with our products. For your convenience, we offer both bagged and bulk products. Click for answers to Ordering Questions or Contact Us.
Why Buy Topsoil from JK?
All of our topsoil is locally sourced from surrounding areas of Washington DC. This native topsoil will thrive in your area. We source our materials primarily from land alteration and excavation projects. We screen all of our soil once it is sourced. The screening process will eliminate most large objects, including sticks and large rocks. After screening the topsoil is stored in large piles at one of our outdoor facilities awaiting delivery. As true to any topsoil, moisture build-up from the natural elements may cause some clumping in the soil, but these clumps will smooth once spread out.
We ensure our soil is the highest standard by frequently testing our soil to ensure a proper balance so your landscaping will thrive. We have been committed to this for over two decades as we have run our first-class business with satisfied customers returning time and time again for quality service and fantastic products. It is the JK way!
This rich material adds needed organics and nutrients to your soil, reducing compaction and retaining moisture for a great growth environment. Available in bulk or bagged.
This finely screened product of the waste treatment facility in Baltimore is perfect for reducing soil compaction and adding nutrients to lawns. Available in bulk only.
Topsoil/Leaf Compost Mix
Local Virginia soil is plainly screened and mixed with leaf compost to create an amazing top dressing material that will supercharge your lawn or garden. Available in bulk or bagged.
Topsoil/Orgrow Blend
The native topsoil is supercharged by Orgro, a product of the waste treatment facility in Baltimore. This blend retains moisture and reduces compaction. Available in bulk.
Hardwood Fines Soil Conditioner
This additive lowers the PH of any soil and helps your soil retain moisture. This excellent additive sets your landscape up for success. Available in bagged.
Bloom’s Woody Blend
A Class-A Exceptional Quality biosolids product, Bloom is a great alternative to compost, providing organic matter for soil health as well as slow release nutrients to stimulate improved plant growth. Available in bulk or bagged.
Why Buy Soil and Soil Amendments?
Our topsoil, organic topsoil, and amendments can supercharge your landscaping.
- They aid landscape growth
- They’re easy to use
- They make gardening a breeze
- They’re perfect plant bedding
Topsoil Makes Your Landscape Flourish
As you may have guessed from the name, topsoil is the top layer, around 2 to 8 inches, above the rest of the soil bed. Plants come out of the topsoil, as they depend on topsoil’s proper pH, nourishment, and retaining moisture and oxygen. Without these things, it will be difficult for plants to live, let alone grow.
Soil is a mixture of clay, sand, and silt. The proportions between these three is the important difference between nourishing topsoil, and depleted sandy soil. Topsoil contains additional organic matter, about 10 percent more than conventional soil. This additional organic matter creates a hospitable environment for thriving soil life, which supports plant growth.

Topsoil is Easy to Use
Typical topsoil can be used to fill land, add to an existing soil base, or create a new base for landscaping.
Topsoil Makes Your Landscape Flourish
As you may have guessed from the name, topsoil is the top layer, around 2 to 8 inches, above the rest of the soil bed. Plants come out of the topsoil, as they depend on topsoil’s proper pH, nourishment, and retaining moisture and oxygen. Without these things, it will be difficult for plants to live, let alone grow.
Soil is a mixture of clay, sand, and silt. The proportions between these three is the important difference between nourishing topsoil, and depleted sandy soil. Topsoil contains additional organic matter, about 10 percent more than conventional soil. This additional organic matter creates a hospitable environment for thriving soil life, which supports plant growth.
Create Landscaping from Scratch
When you are planting a new lawn, whether you are moving into a new building or replacing an old lawn, the first place to start is a topsoil coat to start the plants in. To do this, you break up the top layer of existing soil and get rid of unnecessarily large chunks.
Once you do that, you can place your topsoil. And remember, when you buy directly from JK, you can get topsoil at an unbeatable price. You can reach out to our professionals to get an idea of how much topsoil you will need for an adequate layer. Once you have spread the topsoil in a level layer, you can add fertilizer and till the soil. You want to plow far enough down that you hit the subsoil in order to adequately mix the topsoil, subsoil, and fertilizer layers.
Once that is all done, you may add our grass seeds plentifully and then lightly lay topsoil overtop to keep the seeds in place. The following few days you should water daily. This new nutrient-rich layer should give you a thriving lawn in no time.

Reslope Your Land
The land around your home, if adequately graded, should be angled downward 2 to 3 inches every 10 feet. If less than that, you may face poor drainage. If more, you may start to see erosion wear away the land.
To correct this problem, you should remove your existing topsoil, unveiling the subsoil beneath. From here, you can plow the higher regions, moving the excess soil to add to the lower areas.
Once this is done, you can order topsoil to cover the subsoil again. You can consult our professionals to determine how much you will need or use our Materials Calculator. You will need to cover the uncovered subsoil and then till four inches deep. You do this to mix the topsoil and subsoil, loosening it all so that the roots can continue to grow past the topsoil.
These nutrient-rich soil beds enable strong plant roots to prevent erosion by keeping soil in its place.
Use Topsoil to Fill in Hollows
In addition to soil gradation, you can also add topsoil to level out hollows in our lawn. All you have to do for this project is add topsoil into the depression and then spread it out so it lays even with the rest of the lawn. If you have deeper holes, you may have to shovel the sod out of the hole, then pour the topsoil in and make sure to mix it thoroughly with the subsoil. You should then lay the sod back on top of this once it is level.
Organic Topsoil is a Rich Soil Base
When topsoil is supplemented by compost, it is called organic topsoil. JK Enterprise’s organic topsoil blend is even richer than typical, with more organic matter than the average product. You can use this fertile soil to amend your soil base, lay a new lawn, or start a garden! It works great with mulch as well!
Supplement our existing soil
Many soils lack essential basic nutrients, especially if they have been used for many years. If this is the case for your soil, lacking in fertile nitrates, phosphates, or potassium, you can add organic topsoil to rejuvenate your plants.
As discussed earlier, soil is a blend of clay, silt, and sand. If your soil is leaning too far onto the clay side of the balance, the tight clay pack could lead to improper drainage. On the other hand, sandy soil will be too aerated, rather than too packed, and not hold the nutrients as plants need. If either of these situations occurs, fear not. Your soil is not beyond repair. You may supplement with soil amendments to rebalance the ratio.
Organic topsoil can be used to supplement our soil and bring back balance. You can order this organic topsoil directly from JK, and lay over any areas you want to revitalize. As with the previously discussed projects, once you have added the topsoil, rake over it to mix it with the subsoil to ensure it is doing its job.
Rejuvenate your Lawn
Though you may have once had a vibrant green lawn, you may see your lawn fade and develop bare spots over time. Organic topsoil can correct this problem!
First, you must remove densely packed soil using a core aeration tool to create space for more air, moisture, and nutrients to penetrate your lawn. The leftover grass will do better, as will the newly planted seeds.
After you have aerated the lawn, add organic topsoil over top to create an inch-deep layer. Do not put more than an inch on the lawn, as an inch will allow the remaining lawn to breathe, but any deeper and the remaining lawn will not get enough air.
Once you’ve done that step, you will add your grass seeds, spreading them over the lawn. A 10-pound bag of seeds will be enough to spread over 1,000 square feet of lawn. After you reseed, make sure to water profusely for the next few weeks. This process should ensure a dramatic improvement and a return to a vibrant, even lawn.

Grow vegetables and plants
Organic topsoil is a well-suited addition for new planting. Because of its composure, organic topsoil is easy to mix as it is an amenable ratio of clay, sand, and silt.
This ratio creates shape and consistency that enables organic topsoil to hold water and oxygen at the perfect ratio for your garden varieties. Because it is not too clay-dense, the mixture is aerated to allow roots to grow with ease, without adding stress to the plant system.
In addition to the composure, organic topsoil is full of essential nutrients and microbes. The topsoil, teeming with this microbial life, will feed vegetable and flower gardens to thrive, consistently replenishing itself as a healthy ecosystem. This means you can minimize your fertilizer use, good for the environment, your plants, and your pocketbook.
If you start a new garden or add new topsoil, mix the top couple of inches of soil base where you are going to plant. After this tilling, add a few inches of organic topsoil to the loosened soil and mix. You should not be able to differentiate the soils by the time mixing is complete. Then you’ll know you are ready.
Compost Aids Plants
Though compost may seem like a hot (and smelly) new trend, this ecological practice has been around for as long as agriculture. Composting converts organic waste, which would otherwise end up in overflowing landfill, into high-quality plant food. Compost can create healthier soils with real impacts on your plants, while at the same time removing the harmful soil compounds, like toxins and heavy metals, that would otherwise contaminate your precious plants.
Lucky for you, this process doesn’t have to stink up your house all year long. JK sells top-notch compost that is ready to use. Buying directly, rather than through a middle man, saves you money just as will topsoil. You will be impressed with how fast compost can revitalize your garden.
How to Use Compost
If you are looking to make an organic waste pile, compost will get you going. Compost is in a dynamic stage of decomposition, so as you add it to rotting organic matter, it will start decomposing waste faster than you’d expect.
A healthy compost pile will have a proper ratio of “green” to “brown” matter. This is because Green organic matter, such as food scraps and animal manure, adds the essential nitrogen nutrient that enables gardens to grow. Brown organic matter, such as leaves, and paper products, balance this nutrient richness out, and they are rich in carbon.
Though it is not an exact science, about 3:1 balance of brown to green is ideal.
If you are doing it yourself, you will store your compost bin in a sunny spot, heating up the pile to as hot as 150 degrees Fahrenheit! To introduce oxygen, which microbes need to continue to reproduce and therefore decompose, you must frequently “turn” your compost pile with any tool you can find. As you are turning, break up the compost to evenly sized particles, as this will enable a faster process.
From the start of your compost pile, it will take about two years to as low as six months to create a proper and nourishing compost pile. Until then, make sure any ready-made compost will be ready to use from the bag, so you don’t take additional time adding it to make it usable.
Orgro: a soil supplement
If you are considering compost, you should also consider Orgro, a byproduct of the waste treatment facility in Baltimore. JK Enterprise Landscape Supply, LLC sells this product and we have found it to be the most effective soil supplement in our line. It is rich in organic nutrients and nitrogen. It can add aeration and nutrient conditioning to your line simultaneously. This is a top-notch product for any plantings other than vegetable gardens.